Dear Sir,

We live in an age where the principle of “might is right” holds sway. Supremacy in technology, military might and economic advantages place a country or a group of people in a position of power. Or so we have been led to believe.  However, the essence of popular power needs to be reassessed now,  especially after the recent Israel-Gaza war. It has shaken the pillars of power, debunking many common concepts.

Within 50 days of the war, Israel’s follies have proven the failure of the “might is right”  principle. Despite mainstream media’s effort to portray Israel as the winner, the fact is that it has been Hamas that has won the ground.

Political analyst Samah Sabawi, in her article, Who won the war in Gaza? has penned the achievements of Gazans: “Hamas was able to establish deterrence, displaying an incredible level of resilience and strength, even when equipped with primitive weapons. It was able to force Israel to agree to ease the siege by allowing for the easier flow of goods, humanitarian aid and reconstruction equipment, narrowing its security buffer zone to allow Palestinians more access to their farmland, and extending the fishing limit off Gaza’s coast to 9.6km.”

Throughout the Israeli aggression, how did Gaza defend itself? Was there any tank? Was there any military aircraft? Was there any drone? Was there any economic strength? Was there any foreign support? What was there? There was nothing except the power of resistance.

Let us try to understand the secret of Hamas power. How has it become popular among poor people? What ideals helped the group to resist Israel’s unmatched military might? How has it become able to drag Israel to table of truce?

The answer is: the “power of belief”. Palestinian scholar Ramzy Baroud has put it thus: “Despite the massive death toll and destruction caused by the Israeli war, something fundamental has changed. And it is the kind of transformation that simply cannot be measured in numbers.”

Physically devastated Gaza has won support from entire world. Almost the entire world has offered to help Gaza rebuild. Latin America staunchly supported Palestinian rights throughout Israeli aggression. The naked aggression on Gaza shifted world support in favour of Gazans from Israelis. Trillions of dollars spent on Israeli campaigns over decades for propaganda on “the victimisation of Jews” have lost their appeal.

Why and how? Has it been due to sympathy for their plight? No. In fact, it is the power of Gazans’ resistance. It is the power of belief in being righteous. It is the power of understanding Israeli weaknesses. It is the power of belief in sacrifices’ values.

The world has witnessed a defining moment in the victory of popular power of poor people.


Nasir Farooq

(Address supplied)


Excellent proposal

Dear Sir,

I support the suggestion in the  report, “ (Central Municipal) Council wants municipalities to maintain internal streets” (Gulf Times, September 24). This is the right approach on the maintenance of internal streets.

Most of the internal streets in Doha are in a pathetic condition and  need urgent facelift. As suggested in the report, municipalities are in a better position to monitor and maintain the internal streets under their jurisdiction.

Repair of potholes, proper street lighting, lane marking, road signage,  etc are to be provided on the internal streets at the earliest.


(Full name and e-mail address supplied)


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