Wednesday, 24 April 2024


GENERAL: NWF: Investor Pack

28 Aug 2017 09:26NZX
This information is for the sole and exclusive use of the persons who receive
it directly from NZ Windfarms
Limited. The recipient of this information agrees that all of the information
contained herein is of a
confidential nature, and that they will not, directly, or indirectly,
disclose or permit their agents or affiliates to
disclose any such information without the prior written consent from NZ
Windfarms Limited.

This information must not be copied, reproduced, distributed or passed to
others at any time without the
prior written consent of NZ Windfarms Limited.

This document does not propose to be all inclusive or to contain all of the
information the recipient may

Neither NZ Windfarms Limited, nor the directors, executives or advisors of NZ
Windfarms Limited make any
representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or
completeness of any of the
information contained herein, including any opinion, or of any other written
or oral communication
transmitted or made available. Each recipient of this information waives any
and all claims or actions
against the directors, officers of, or any advisors to, NZ Windfarms Limited
relating to or resulting from the
use of this information and any communications received by a recipient, or
any of its affiliates, advisors or

No representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or
reasonableness of any future projections,
estimates or statements about the future prospects of NZ Windfarms Limited
that may be comprised within
this information.
End CA:00306242 For:NWF    Type:GENERAL    Time:2017-08-28 09:26:27
Views: 60
New Zealand Windfarms
 0.1650 Change:
Last Traded:07/02/18 00:20:50 
52-Wk High:0.1720 
52-Wk Low:0.0770